. , , . , .

  TCode = (win, koi, iso, dos);
  CodeStrings: array [TCode] of String = ('win','koi','iso','dos');
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  str: array [TCode] of string;
  norm: array [''..''] of single;
  code1, code2: TCode;
  min1, min2: TCode;
  count: array [char] of integer;
  d, min: single;
  s, so: string;
  chars: array [char] of char;
  c: char;
  i: integer;
  so := Memo1.Text;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0.002;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0.002;
  norm[''] := 0.002;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0.057;
  norm[''] := 0.01;
  norm[''] := 0.031;
  norm[''] := 0.011;
  norm[''] := 0.021;
  norm[''] := 0.067;
  norm[''] := 0.007;
  norm[''] := 0.013;
  norm[''] := 0.052;
  norm[''] := 0.011;
  norm[''] := 0.023;
  norm[''] := 0.03;
  norm[''] := 0.024;
  norm[''] := 0.043;
  norm[''] := 0.075;
  norm[''] := 0.026;
  norm[''] := 0.038;
  norm[''] := 0.034;
  norm[''] := 0.046;
  norm[''] := 0.016;
  norm[''] := 0.001;
  norm[''] := 0.006;
  norm[''] := 0.002;
  norm[''] := 0.011;
  norm[''] := 0.004;
  norm[''] := 0.004;
  norm[''] := 0;
  norm[''] := 0.012;
  norm[''] := 0.012;
  norm[''] := 0.003;
  norm[''] := 0.005;
  norm[''] := 0.015;

  Str[win] := '';
  Str[koi] := '';
  Str[iso] := '';
  Str[dos] := '"''';
  for c := #0 to #255 do
    Chars[c] := c;

  min1 := win;
  min2 := win;
  min := 0;
  s := so;
  fillchar(count, sizeof(count), 0);
  for i := 1 to Length(s) do
  for c := '' to '' do
    min := min + sqr(count[c] / Length(s) - norm[c]);
  for code1 := low(TCode) to high(TCode) do begin
    for code2 := low(TCode) to high(TCode) do begin
      if code1 = code2 then continue;

      s := so;
      for i := 1 to Length(Str[win]) do
        Chars[Str[code2][i]] := Str[code1][i];
      for i := 1 to Length(s) do
        s[i] := Chars[s[i]];
      fillchar(count, sizeof(count), 0);
      for i := 1 to Length(s) do
      d := 0;
      for c := '' to '' do
        d := d + sqr(count[c] / Length(s) - norm[c]);
      if d < min then begin
        min1 := code1;
        min2 := code2;
        min := d;

  s := Memo1.Text;
  if min1 <> min2 then begin
    for c := #0 to #255 do
      Chars[c] := c;
    for i := 1 to Length(Str[win]) do
      Chars[Str[min2][i]] := Str[min1][i];
    for i := 1 to Length(s) do
      s[i] := Chars[s[i]];
  Form1.Caption := CodeStrings[min2] + ' ' + CodeStrings[min1];

  Memo2.Text := s;

email: delphi4all@narod.ru
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